Often the mood gets worse for no reason. In such a situation, sometimes such things come out of the mouth in anger, which even spoils the relationship. In such a situation, you must keep your anger under control without any reason. Not only will this save you from feeling bad later, but it will also prevent you from fighting. Now in such a situation, the question arises that how to control anger, then how to do it.Every little thing in anger also seems bad. Angry people can get irritated by anything. In such a situation, anger is dangerous in every way. Remember some tricks to control anger-

When you drink hot tea or coffee, your anger will calm down to a great extent. In such a situation, it is very important that if you go to make tea on your own or if you are out, then you must drink tea or coffee anyway. This will also give you time and your mood will also be uplifted.

Go and sit alone

It is also very important to go and sit alone. This gives you some time to think about the situation. If you have said something in anger, try not to make the situation worse by not getting angrier.

Remember love or good things

If you are getting angry with your partner or you are getting angry with any family member, then remember the good moments and happy things spent with them. Even this makes a lot of difference.

Lie down

Even if your body is relaxed, you will get angry. Maybe you are getting angry because of fatigue. In such a situation, when angry, lie down on the bed for some time and if you are out of the house, then sit down with your head down.