What do you do to look beautiful? From expensive-expensive makeup products to skin care. But despite all this, they forget to take care of eyebrows and get threading done only when the growth of eyebrows increases. But threading alone is not enough to take care of eyebrows. In such a situation, today we have brought eyebrow care tips for you, by trying which the shape of your eyebrows remains better, so let's know (eyebrow care tips) on ways to take care of eyebrows......

Don't break hair
Many times you suddenly have to go to some function, in which case you forget to get threading done in a hurry. Then you break the extra existing hairs of the eyebrows with the help of tweezers. But you should not do this at all, it can spoil the shape of your eyebrows. Apart from this, you can also break your hair.

Use eyebrow cream

Just as it is necessary to keep the skin moisturized, similarly eyebrow hair also needs moisturization. This prevents the hair of your eyebrows from getting dry and breaking. For this, you can easily find many moisturizing creams on the market.

Use makeup sparingly
Usually, girls take the help of makeup to shape their eyebrows. The hair of the eyebrows does not become dry and broken, in such a situation, you should use makeup at least. Chemicals are present in makeup products which can damage your eyebrow hairs.