Having periods on time every month is very important for the health of any woman. Of course, there is a problem many times when there is a period, but the truth is that not having them is a bigger problem. Many types of myths related to the period are still spread in our society. This is the reason why important things related to periods are often ignored. Do you know how many days your period cycle is, what is the colour of your period blood, whether are you getting blood clots during your period days, are you having pain during your period or not, all this is related to your health gives information about many things.

If I ask you whether you are having healthy periods then it is possible that you will not be able to answer yes or no. The reason behind this is that perhaps you are confused about the answer to this question. Let us tell you in this article today by which signs you can identify whether you are having healthy periods or not. We are giving this information to you based on the post of celebrity nutritionist MunmunGaneriwal.

The period cycle should be of this many days

The period should come between 26-35 days. If your period is delayed for more than 4-5 days or you get your period again before the interval of 26 days, then it is a sign of disturbance in your hormones. The flow should last for about 6 days during the period. If periods last longer than this then it is not good.

Period pain

As such, it is always explained to girls that pain during periods is normal and should be tolerated. But, if you have pain in the legs, back or stomach before periods or during periods, it is not normal. Mild pain can still be ignored once, but in case of excessive pain, seek medical advice instead of tolerating it.

This is the post of expert

Blood clots in period blood

If you are having heavy blood clots in period flow whose colour is dark red, then it is a sign of unhealthy periods. It should not be ignored.

PMS normal or not

If you do not feel the symptoms of PMS i.e. Pre Menstrual Syndrome before periods, then it is a good sign. Many women start having problems like mood swings, irritability, cravings, and headaches, 1-2 weeks before their period. This happens due to changes in hormones. If you do not feel these symptoms then it is a sign of healthy periods.


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.