Photo credit: Youngisthan

We all know very well that both clove and ginger are dry spices. These are commonly used to enhance the taste of food, but do you know that both these spices are also very beneficial for your hair? If not, then you must have read this article that through this article you will be told about clove and ginger hair oil. Antiinflammatory in clove and ginger, Antibacterial and powerful antioxidant properties are found in plenty, so the use of this oil removes harmful bacteria present in your scalp, along with this, it also improves blood circulation in your hair, which nourishes your hair roots in sufficient quantity. Get. Due to this, your hair becomes strong, not only this, the growth of your hair also increases rapidly by using this method, your hair starts to look long and shiny. Through this article, let us know in detail about clove and ginger hair oil.

* Ingredients needed to make clove and ginger hair oil:

1. Cloves - 4-5

2. Ginger powder - 1 tsp

3. Mustard oil - 2 tsp

4. Olive oil - 2 tsp

5. Glass vial - 1

Photo credit: jagran

* Method of making clove and ginger hair oil:

1. Clove and ginger hair oil are very effective to get relief from hair-related problems, to make it, first of all, take a glass bottle.

2. After this, add 2 teaspoons of mustard oil and 2 teaspoons of olive oil to it.

3. Now add one spoonful of ginger powder and 4-5 cloves to it.

4. After this, to mix all these things, close the bottle and shake it well.

5. Now keep this vial in the sun for about 1 week.

6. In this way your clove and ginger hair oil for long hair is ready.

Photo credit: HerZindagi

* Here's how to use clove and ginger hair oil:

1. To use clove and ginger hair oil, take this oil and apply it well on the hair scalp.

2. After this, massage the hair with light hands and leave it for about 3-4 hours.

3. Now wash your hair with the help of a mild shampoo.