The area around your nipples is very delicate and this sensitive area can also tell you the symptoms of many diseases. However, you may have noticed that there are always some bumps present in this area. Seen in a way, these happen to every human being. But sometimes the problem increases due to some kind of infection. It is also possible that these bumps may sometimes appear and sometimes disappear. This can also happen with the period cycle in women.

Such bumps in the areola (dark area around the nipple) can occur due to many reasons. Lap surgeon and gynaecologistDrGarima Srivastava MD (MRCOG (UK)) has shared information related to this on Instagram.

Why does a rash appear around the nipples?

The skin of the nipple is very delicate and in such a situation, more moisture is needed around the skin. There are sebaceous glands in our breasts which secrete oil. This oil also helps in removing dirt and bacteria from the nipple. Due to this, rashes appear around the nipples.

These oil glands are found all over the body and the glands around the nipple are called Montgomery tubercles.

Why are these glands beneficial?

Montgomery tubercles can provide many benefits such as...

It is because of these glands that it becomes easier for children to breastfeed. Their scent attracts children.

  • Due to these, bacteria cannot enter breast milk.
  • Due to these, the nipples are saved from becoming too dry.
  • Due to these, different types of skin infections can be avoided.
  • Different people have different types of bumps in their nipples.

Just as everyone's body is different and everyone's body structure is also different. Similarly, glands in everyone's body are also different. 9% of people have their entire nipples filled with such glands. Additionally, some have fewer, with some seeing only one or two bumps on their nipples. This is completely normal, but it is possible that a gland in your breast may get infected or there may be some kind of disease in it.

What causes the growth of motogenic tubercles?

  • from nipple arousal
  • Due to change in body weight
  • Due to changes in hormones and periods
  • due to pregnancy
  • due to stress
  • Due to wearing tight fitting clothes
  • due to medicines
  • Due to breastfeeding

Can infection occur in motogenic tubercles?

Yes, they can get infected very easily. Many times you think of popping them as normal pimples, but this is not right. Due to this, they may get an infection. Apart from this, it also increases due to diabetes, nipple piercing, smoking etc.

At such a time, due to infection, you may suffer from fatigue, fever, shivering, itching, pus, bleeding, big pimples etc.

If anything like this is happening, you should see a doctor first.

Always keep these symptoms in mind

Although infection in the maternal tubercle is not so dangerous, in some cases it can also be an indication of breast cancer. Especially if you see blood or pus.

    • If you are experiencing sudden weight loss.
    • If you are feeling lumps in your breast.
    • If the colour of your skin has started changing.
    • If you see swelling in the underarm area.
    • If you are feeling constantly tired.
    • If you have discharge from your nipples that are not related to breastfeeding.
    • If the size of one of your breasts has started changing.

You should always keep in mind that any kind of irregularity can give rise to the problem of breast cancer. Therefore, if you understand that there is a problem, then immediately talk to your healthcare expert and get tested.

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