The heart is the most important organ of our body. Even a little carelessness with this can create trouble for you. At the same time, special care has to be taken of the heart during the winter season, because heart attacks and strokes occur the most in this season. According to experts, we should take precautions related to food. Consumption of saturated fats should be avoided as much as possible because it can increase the risk of heart attack. Let us know how saturated fats harm the heart.

How are saturated fats harmful to heart health?

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The risk of heart attack increases in cold. Due to cold, the blood vessels get narrowed due to which the blood flow is not proper. This increases blood pressure and there is a possibility of heart attack and stroke. At the same time, when you consume saturated fats, cholesterol starts increasing in the body. Also, cholesterol sticks to the arteries and blood circulation becomes difficult. Due to this, the functioning of the heart starts getting affected and it increases the risk of heart attack. For this reason, one should avoid consuming foods containing saturated fat. Especially those who already have heart disease should avoid it even more.

What are saturated fats found in?

Let us tell you that animal fats are saturated fats. Saturated fats are also found in high-fat meat, red meat, and dairy products like milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream. The World Health Organization also believes that we should consume foods containing saturated fats only in limit. This not only harms the heart but is also responsible for obesity.

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