Friends, if we believe in human history, then they get the most pleasure from having sex, which not only gives them physical peace but also mental peace, it is said that while having sex, only thoughts of pleasure come to the mind of a couple, but this is your wrong notion, especially for women. Women often have many other thoughts in their mind during intimacy, let's know about these thoughts-

1. Concerns about clothing

For many women , thoughts about their clothing can be quite prevalent, even during moments of intimacy. If they feel their outfit is not attractive or comfortable , their focus shifts from pleasure to self-consciousness about their appearance.

2. Awareness of body odor

Women are generally more sensitive to odors , which can significantly impact their intimate experience. Concerns about their partner's breath or body odor may dominate their thoughts.

3. Hygiene concerns

Personal hygiene , especially with regard to intimate areas , is important to many women. If their partner hasn't bathed recently , they may worry about possible infection or discomfort.

4. Thinking about what will happen next

As intimacy progresses , especially in new relationships , women often start to wonder about what will happen after sex. This can be especially true if they are with a partner for the first time.