Consumption of salad works as a lifesaver for the body because through it the essential nutrients of the body are easily supplied. But along with the consumption of salad, it must be eaten in a better way so that the body can get its full benefits.

Everyone knows that eating salad is beneficial for health, but how and when should it be eaten? Many people do not know this and due to this, they are deprived of the full benefits of salad. Yes, let us tell you that along with eating salad, it is important to eat it in a better way so that the body can get its full benefits. In this article, we are going to tell you about how and when to eat salad (What is the best time to eat salad).

Actually, about this, we talked to Dr. Satish Kumar working at King George Medical University, Lucknow and are sharing the information received from him with you here.

These are the health benefits you get from salad

Our expert Dr. Satish Kumar says that as much as food is important for the body, it is equally important to consume a correct and balanced diet so that the body can get the necessary nutrition. Many times those nutrients are not included in traditional food and cooked food, in such a situation consuming nutritious vegetables and food items in the form of salad proves to be very beneficial. This provides the body with essential multivitamins and minerals, which prevents many types of diseases. According to DrSatish Kumar, regular consumption of salad can help prevent diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, anaemia, cardiac and cancer. Along with this, consuming fiber-rich vegetables present in salad in raw form improves digestion, which helps in reducing weight. Apart from this, the antioxidants present in various vegetables are also helpful in improving the skin.

Know the right way to eat salad (Best way to eat salad)

Consumption of salad works as a lifesaver for the body, through it the essential nutrients are easily supplied to the body. But along with this, it is also important to consume it in the right way, so let us now know about that also. If you look at it, this question often arises in people's minds whether salad should be eaten before or after food or with food. Regarding this, health expert Dr. Satish Kumar says that here salad is eaten in raw form whereas our traditional food is quite cooked. In such a situation, consuming raw salad and cooked food together can have a bad effect on digestion. Therefore, it would be better if you consume salad before eating, doing so proves to be better both directly and indirectly.

Speaking directly, when you consume salad before eating, it fills your stomach to a great extent and reduces your desire for extra hunger and you avoid overeating. Now talking about the indirect benefits of eating salad before meals, it helps in the digestion of food and helps in controlling weight.

What is the best time to eat salad?

If we talk about what is the right time to eat salad, then according to our health experts, it is better to consume salad during the day. Digestive enzymes are produced properly in the body in the morning and during the day and in such a situation they are helpful in the digestion of salad. At the same time, the production of digestive enzymes is relatively less at night, hence when you consume salad at night, the digestive system has to work harder to digest it. This can impair digestion, leading to gas in the stomach along with pain and indigestion. Therefore, it would be better to consume salad during the day only so that it can be easily digested and the body can get full benefits from it.

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