Like rice, roti is also an important part of our daily diet. We eat it in many forms, including bread, chapati, paratha, phulka, tawa roti, tandoori roti, rumali roti, khamiri roti. Many of us eat it with great fervor. People who try to lose weight feel that roti can be eaten in abundance instead of rice, but there is a limit to everything, crossing which can prove to be dangerous. Let us know why it is bad to eat more bread and how much bread can be consumed in a day.

How much roti to eat in a day?
Those who are going through the weight loss process should set a limit on eating roti as well. A healthy adult male should consume about 1700 calories in a day, according to which he can eat 3-3 bread during 2 meals. On the other hand, if we talk about women, then they should consume 1400 calories in a day. According to this, she can eat 2-2 rotis during 2 miles. This makes it easy to maintain weight.

People who eat bread should take care of this
Roti may be considered a little healthier than rice, but it takes more time to digest this food, so if you do not take care of some things then there can be problems like constipation, indigestion, and gas. In such a situation, when you eat roti at night, after a while, you must walk for 15 to 20 minutes, by doing this, digestion remains correct. Some people go to sleep immediately after eating roti at dinner, which is not the right way. It is better that you rest only after about an hour of food.

Eat bread made of these grains instead of wheat
If you want to lose weight as soon as possible, instead of wheat, eat rotis made of multigrain cereals. It includes rotis made of maize, jowar, ragi, buckwheat, and millet flour. They contain a high amount of fiber, eating which does not cause hunger for a long time and you are saved from overeating.