Salt is a substance that works to enhance the taste of food. It is as important for taste as it is for health. There are many types of salt like white salt, pink salt, black salt, rock salt etc. Every salt has its own importance. Today in this episode we are going to talk about rock salt which is mostly consumed during fasting. Elements like sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc etc. are found in rock salt, which is beneficial for health. This salt is less salty in taste and iodine free. In Ayurveda, rock salt has been considered extremely beneficial for health. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you how rock salt works to benefit health. Let's know about them...

Beneficial for the digestive system
Rock salt is an excellent home remedy for digestive problems like constipation, heartburn, bloating, abdominal pain etc. Rock salt is rich in minerals and vitamins, which improve digestion, promote bowel movements, and help clear toxic products from the intestine. It also helps in improving the problem of loss of appetite.

Give relief in sinus
Sinus pain troubles the whole body and to get rid of it, eating rock is beneficial. If you have a stone problem, then drinking rock salt and lemon mixed with water, the stones start melting within a few days.

Reduce sugar cravings
There have been some researches which emphasize that rock salt has the ability to stimulate insulin in the body which not only helps in lowering the blood sugar level in the body but also helps you to avoid sugar cravings. Might also help with removal. You can also eat this salt by sprinkling a little on the fruits.