To make the skin beautiful, people resort to various skin care treatments. The effect of which lasts for some time. To make the skin beautiful for a long time, you need natural remedies. Rice flour is very beneficial for making the face glow like Korean and it also has many benefits for the skin. So let's find out how you can use rice flour to get Korean-like glowing skin.

rice flour

Benefits of rice flour
Rice flour already has skin-whitening properties.

Dead skin cells come out.

Rice flour is the best option for skin lightening.

Advantages of honey
Honey is very beneficial for exfoliating the skin naturally.

The pores on the face get cleaned.

Honey is very helpful in keeping the skin soft.

Helps in moisturizing the skin.

Benefits of Oats
Oats help a lot in exfoliating the skin.

Oats are the best option for moisturizing the skin.

Effective in removing tanning.

Reduces Aging-Science.

Use like this
Mix 2 tbsp honey in 3 tbsp rice flour in a bowl.

Now add about 1 to 2 spoons of oats powder in it.

Use a mixer to grind.

Then mix everything well and apply it on the face.

Keep this face pack away from the eyes and leave it for 20 minutes.

Now wash the face with clean water.

You can use this pack 3 times.

With its continuous use, your face will start glowing naturally.
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