Rose water has always been used in beauty treatments. While it has special importance in Ayurveda due to its medicinal properties, it is also considered safe to be used as a natural cleanser and toner in dermatology. In such a situation, its use is considered very beneficial for skin and hair, but when it comes to eyes, many questions arise.

Due to the sensitivity of the eyes, people have many apprehensions regarding the use of rose water and its use might prove harmful for the eyes. In this article, we are trying to remove this fear. We talked to ophthalmologist Dr. Amit Gupta about this and we are sharing the information received from him here with you.

Dr Amit Gupta explains that due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the use of rose water proves helpful in removing dust, dirt and allergies. Along with this, the use of rose water is also effective to a great extent for allergies caused by coming in contact with pollution and the itching and swelling caused by it. But the thing to keep in mind is that it is not safe to use rose water for every eye problem.

The use of rose water is harmful in such a situation

The use of rose water can be harmful in serious problems like eye flu or conjunctivitis. In such a situation, if there is a mild infection, then the use of a cold compress and artificial tears eye drops is recommended. However, if the infection is severe, then doctors recommend topical steroid eye drops along with anti-allergic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the use of rose water is not considered safe for such serious infections.

Important precautions for using rose water

Even under normal circumstances, if you are using rose water as a cleanser, then it is important to keep some things in mind. So that there is no harm to the eyes. Let us now know about these precautions.

Use only medicated rose water

Medicated rose water should always be used for eyes. Nowadays many types of rose water are available in the market as beauty products, from cheap to expensive. But keep in mind that the rose water you are using for your eyes should be chemical-free.

Checking for allergic reactions is necessary

Before putting rose water in the eyes, do a patch test of it. For this, you can put a few drops of rose water on your hands and check its allergic reaction. If you feel any kind of burning, redness or itching in the skin after using rose water, then do not apply that rose water to your eyes.

The natural elements present in rose water can sometimes cause allergy problems. As an allergic reaction, problems like irritation, swelling and redness in the eyes can be seen. However, if the situation becomes serious, there may be a risk of damage to the cornea as a reaction.

Use cotton pads wisely

If you use rose water for eyes through a cotton pad, then make sure that the cotton pad is completely clean. Using dirty cotton pads can put you at risk of bacterial infection in the eyes.

Instead of using a cotton pad, it would be better to use a clean sterile eye dropper. For this, fill a small amount of rose water in a sterile eye dropper and with its help pour rose water into the eyes.

If, despite taking precautions, you are facing any kind of problem in your eyes while using rose water, then stop using rose water immediately and consult a doctor for this.

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