Walking is considered to be the easiest and most effective exercise. This not only keeps your weight under control but also reduces the risk of diseases related to blood pressure, diabetes, heart and kidney. Apart from this, by walking daily in the morning, the body also gets Vitamin D, which strengthens the bones. That's why doctors recommend walking for 40 minutes daily.

But, today in our Monday Motivation Series, we are telling you about the benefits of reverse walking, not normal walking. This information has been shared by fitness trainer Juhi Kapoor.

Expert opinion on reverse walking

Have you ever tried walking in reverse? However, some people find it foolish to walk in reverse. Experts say, "Walking in reverse is very beneficial for your brain and heart and promotes metabolism, due to which you burn more calories than your normal walk."

He further said, "According to the research published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, walking upside down is the best cardio exercise, due to which many changes are seen in the whole body along with weight loss."

Strength in legs

We usually walk forward. Due to this, some muscles behind the legs do not get any benefit. So when you do reverse walking, then the muscles also come in speed. Apart from this, for walking backwards, the muscles on both the front and back sides of the feet are well exercised, which strengthens the feet.

Back pain relief

According to research published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, a lack of flexibility in the hamstrings leads to lower back pain. To prevent this, at least 15 minutes of reverse walking should be done daily.

Less impact on knees

According to research published in the BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Journal, people who have knee pain or injury should do reverse walking at a slow speed. This has less effect on the knee.

Another research published in the Journal of Biomechanics also found that reverse or backward running reduces knee pain.

Mind remains calm

According to research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, walking upside down improves balance and releases happy hormones, which help keep you calm.

Other benefits of reverse walking

  • Burns calories fast.
  • Helps with sciatica pain.
  • Heart health remains fine.
  • There is good exercise for the brain.
  • Mental health is better.
  • Sleeps well at night.
  • Metabolism is boosted.

How long should you exercise?

  • You can do this exercise daily for 15 minutes (anytime during the day).


  • Avoid doing it on a treadmill.
  • Keep in mind that there is no mat or furniture around you.
  • Wear the right shoes to keep your ankles safe.
  • If you're exercising in a park, keep an eye out for people, animals, as well as potholes around you to keep yourself safe

You can walk both forward and backwards for the best results.

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