What do we not do to enhance the beauty of the face? They buy expensive to expensive products. Everyone has a desire that the glow of his face should remain forever. But the expensive products we use for the skin, their effect remains only till the time we use them. As soon as we stop applying them on the face, the black spots on the face come back again, in such a situation, home remedies are remembered. They do not have any reverse effect either. All you have to do is incorporate these into your daily routine and you will feel the difference within a few days. Let us know how these home remedies can easily remove dark spots on the face.

Papaya is really very beneficial. As much as there are benefits from eating it, applying it on the face will benefit you as much. Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K. Papaya is used in many beauty products. It has cleansing properties.

Way to use
Make a paste by cutting a quarter of papaya in a clean bowl. Now mix ten drops of lemon and half a teaspoon of honey in it. Take your face pack is ready. You have to apply it at least twice a day. Only then you will get rid of these black spots.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is easily available. If you have fresh aloe vera, apply it to your face only. Otherwise, you can use any aloe vera gel that suits your skin. It contains depigmentation compounds, which lighten the skin tone.

Way to use
Applying Aloe vera mixed with Vitamin E will be beneficial. While sleeping at night, mix these two things in the palm and apply them wherever there are stains.