Have you heard of a friend who has recently started dating someone and is very obsessed with his new love, as if his whole life revolves only around his partner? He gets so engrossed in his new partner that he starts canceling plans made with you or other friends. Or have you ever been in such a situation yourself?

What is boyfriend sickness?

This kind of behavior is common in people who have just started dating and this phase is called boyfriend sickness. The term boyfriend sickness came into vogue through a TikTok influencer, who explained it as obsessive behavior in a new relationship. It is a common phase where people give more priority to their new partner.

Anyone can have this problem

Even though it is called boyfriend sickness, this can be the behavior of any boy or girl. According to experts, this is normal behavior for couples and is necessary to deepen the bond and affection between the new couple. Also, in most cases, this phase is temporary.

This phase is important for the relationship

According to Professor Aamir of the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, the brain of people in a new romantic relationship works overtime to form a bond with their partner. A lot of effort is required to make a stranger important.

When a couple spends a lot of time together, the bond between them becomes strong and this can take a few weeks to a few months. Once the couple is strongly attached, they can focus on other relationships, or in simple words, they start mingling with each other's friends.

(PC: Freepik)