In any relationship, you want the other person to be happy and his feelings should not be hurt, even if you have to lie. But is it right? Truth is an important basis of every relationship and everyone wants their partner to be truthful to them. However studies show that many people sometimes lie to keep the relationship fine.

According to a study by Oxford University, people often lie because they do not want their partner's feelings to be hurt. There is a kind of feeling of security and protection behind this lying, which aims to make relationships strong and happy. Psychologist Robin Dunbar has also said that lying does not hurt feelings, which helps in keeping relationships stable and sweet. But it is also important that the lie should not have a negative impact and the truth should always be kept important.

What are the reasons?

Proper communication is important for a successful and healthy relationship. When people do not share their feelings, joys, and challenges, the chances of conflict increase. As a result, people do not work at the right time to solve problems, which can complicate the relationship. Trust is very important in a successful relationship. When someone has doubts about the partner, the relationship starts weakening. This can reduce the confidence of the person and he starts hiding things from the partner.

Many times people think that to keep the partner always happy, they lie so that the partner's feelings are not hurt, but this can spoil the balance between truth and lies. The importance of communication skills in a relationship cannot be left out. If someone does not have the right communication skills, then he will not know the right way to share feelings and joys, which can also cause conflict.

What is the effect

Any reason for lying, even if it is for the happiness of the partner, can have a negative effect on the relationship. For example, lying can lead to a lack of trust in the relationship. When the partner comes to know that you are lying to him, then the feeling of distrust towards you increases in him. When the number of mutual disputes increases manifold, then the partner resorts to lying, because they think that many other disputes can be prevented by this. But it can be difficult to regain trust by lying. After lying, there can be more tension and jealousy in the relationship, which can increase the conflict.

Truth is like a diamond
Family relationship counselor Shobhana says truth in any relationship makes you transparent. No relationship can run without truth. It is prevalent in the public psyche that truth is bitter. But it is not necessary that whatever is bitter is the truth. Truth is a diamond, which becomes more beautiful when carved. To run the relationship properly, it becomes necessary to take care of some things like, there should be openness in communication, talking openly and telling each other what is in your heart apart from this, by talking on time, one should understand the problems quickly and find a solution to the problems. The most important thing in all this is that you maintain trust and cooperation towards each other and always support your partner.