Relationship Tips: In earlier times, marriage was considered a bond of birth. However, with time, husband and wife started accepting the separation in the relationship and due to any reason, the path of divorce was adopted when there was a rift in the relationship. One reason for divorce can be the coming of a third person between husband and wife. This third can be a family member, boss, friend, or extra-marital affair. Generally, the cases of the extra-marital affair are also increasing, which lead a couple to court for a divorce. Many times a third person comes between the couple, who becomes the reason for the rift in the relationship, but the husband and wife do not understand this. They realize this only when the dispute between them starts getting serious. In such a situation, a third person is coming into your relationship, you can improve the relationship by detecting it in some ways.

Changing habits
When the habit of one of the husband or wife starts changing, then the partner should understand that their partner's heart is changing. The partner starts changing himself to a third person, then that third person can bring distance in your relationship.

Distance from home
It is common to leave home early for work and return home late, but when the partner leaves early every day to stay away from home and does not return till late, then it should be understood that he is giving his time to someone else...

When a third person enters the relationship, then again and again the partners start going on business trips on the pretext of work. He is not present at home on any family program or holiday. He often works overtime and does not spend time with his partner.

Not sharing social media accounts
If your partner does not add you to his social media account or keeps his account hidden from you, then understand that there is a third person in your relationship, about whom the partner is hiding. Often people also create a secret account, which they do not want to give to their partner. Apart from this, the partners keep their phones hidden.