Marriage is that decision of life which is very important to think carefully before taking it. Because after getting married many times such situations also arise that one starts getting angry about one's own decision. In such a situation, it is necessary that before marriage, you should know your partner better, whether the marriage is arranged or love. The relationship between husband and wife is unique in itself, which works to be strengthened by mutual love, arguments, coaxing etc. Many times the husband believes that he is a good husband, but it cannot be proved until your partner speaks. Today in this episode we are going to tell about some such habits which show that you are not a good husband, the rest depends on you how you strengthen your relationship. Let's know about those habits...

Wife as robot
Many men consider their wives to be a robot after marriage and expect their wives to handle all household chores along with office and serve their mother-in-law and father-in-law like an ideal daughter-in-law. If you also keep so many expectations from your wife then you can prove to be a bad husband.

To lie
Be it a boy or a girl, if his partner has a habit of lying, then this habit can become a big problem going forward. This habit can create an atmosphere of negativity in the relationship. If you come to know the partner's habit, then talk to him about it, because in future you will not be able to believe his words. Even after explaining once or twice, if your partner is still lying continuously, then keep your distance from him in time.

Don't respond
It is very important to have respect with love in every relationship, similarly, you should see whether your partner gives you respect or not. Here we are not only talking about accents but also about understanding them deeply. Many times you sit ignoring your partner's words, but their repeated insults to you can spoil your relationship in the future. You have to understand that in a relationship both partners deserve respect.