As much care is needed by all of us in the month of monsoon, we have to take care of electronic appliances as well. Be it AC, TV or fridge, if they are not taken care of properly then their life can be reduced. Talk about one of the essential things of the kitchen, so the users should also pay attention to it during the rainy season.

The biggest enemy of the refrigerator during rains is excess moisture and the bacteria coming from it. Due to excessive moisture in the fridge, the odor starts coming from it. Apart from this, if you do not pay attention to some things in the rainy season, then problems of mildew can also arise in your food.

To avoid these troubles during the rainy season, make sure that there is no gap or crack in the seal of your refrigerator door. Avoid leaving the fridge door open for a long in the rainy season and whenever possible keep checking the fridge in 4-6 days. From this, it will be known that mildew has not started coming.

By the way, cleaning the fridge is very important every few days, but in the rainy season, you should also make a habit of cleaning your fridge deeply regularly. Take out all the shelves of the fridge, and clean the inside thoroughly with lukewarm water and a little soap solution.

The gasket of the refrigerator i.e. the rubber on the door of the refrigerator also starts getting moldy in the rainy season. To clean it, spray white vinegar on it and leave it for five minutes. After this, put one spoon of baking soda in a bowl and prepare the solution.

Then take the help of cotton cloth and soak it in the solution and clean the inner parts of the rubber. After this wipe it with a dry cloth. This will not only remove the fungus, but also the fridge will start shining.

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