Google has upgraded its AI chatbot Bard. Google's Bard AI can now create images from text. Earlier Bard did not have this facility but the paid version of ChatGPT has the facility to create photos from text. Google has released a new update for Bard.

Google has released the Imagen 2 model for Bard which can meet your demand for high-quality photos i.e. if you give the command to Bard to create an image of a dog riding a surfboard, it will immediately create an image for you based on this text. But will prepare the photo.

Google has said that the quality of Imagen 2 will be the best and the speed will also be good, that is, after giving the command, the photo will be created in a few seconds. Google Bard's photos will have a watermark of SynthID technology.

Fact-checking in multiple languages
Google will also be able to fact-check Bard in about 40 languages. Earlier, Bard used to check facts only in English. According to Google, with the help of this feature, Bard will give accurate results. Now support for 40 languages has also been released for Gemini Pro.

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