When a person does not achieve success, it takes the form of stress. According to research, more than 90 percent of children are aware of only a few career options. In this digital era, the knowledge about career among children may have increased, but for parents, career is still limited to doctor or engineer.

Lack of information about various career options, pressure from family and institute to remain top in studies, opportunities, and culture of toxic competition in coaching institutes have a deep impact on the mental health of children.

Kota city of Rajasthan is famous for coaching. Despite all the efforts of the government, the cases of suicides are not stopping. Adolescence is a very important time, during which children are growing up rapidly and going through many changes. Be it emotional, physical, or social. This is also the time when children are creating their own identity in society. During this time, they have to go through many new challenges every day. These difficulties also teach them a lot."

From a young age, children have to go through problems like academic pressure, bullying, relationship conflicts, low self-esteem, lack of connection, drug abuse, and mental stress, and the impact of social or TV media also affects their immature minds. It falls on. All these things cause stress in children.

Negative feelings of resentment, disappointment, helplessness, and despair may develop in children. In such a situation, only schools and parents can teach the skills to deal with these difficulties, hence their role is considered very important in the lives of children.

Not giving up and keeping trying, solving problems, conflict, media literacy, and controlling emotions are some of the skills that should be taught to children from childhood, so that they become mentally strong. The most important skill among these is ' asking for help when needed ', which should be developed in every child as an important life skill.

Children need to be taught how to recognize stress, especially when it begins to affect their lives. As soon as they see these red flags, they should seek help from their parents, siblings, friends, or anyone they trust without any hesitation.

Seeking help for mental problems is seen as a stigma, which is why many people are unable to talk to someone or seek help in time. This is where the role of school becomes important, children should be taught that discussing or talking about mental health is not a matter of shame, hence one should not shy away from it, if someone talks to you about stress or depression, then he/she should not judge.

Inform children about helpline numbers and it is important to repeatedly impress upon them that everyone is always available and ready to help you. This will also help remove the stigma and guilt associated with mental health, which often act as a barrier to seeking help.