Pregnant Woman Care: When a woman is pregnant, that moment is very important for her. But during this time due to hormonal changes, many changes also take place in the body. Although every woman enjoys this moment a lot, sometimes due to a little carelessness, the mental and physical development of the child is badly affected. In such a situation, women need to take good care of themselves. For this, they should take special care of their diet and also do light exercise along with it. Come, today we will tell you what things pregnant women should include in their diet.

Eat sweet potato
Pregnant women have to take special care of themselves during the winter season. In such a situation, to keep their health healthy, women must include sweet potatoes in their diet. Let us tell you that carbohydrates and vitamin-A are found in them, which is beneficial for the skin and eyes. Along with this, the blood sugar level remains under control by consuming it.

Eat curd
Many types of nutrients are found in curd. Although serving curd is good for everyone, its consumption is very beneficial for pregnant women. Calcium is found in abundance in curd. Which is necessary for the physical development of the child. happens correctly. Also, curd contains good bacteria, and takes care of the stomach. Because during this time women have a lot of gas problems. So by eating curd their problem gets reduced.

Eat fatty fish
Pregnant women have to take special care of themselves. That's why during this time they should consume fatty fish. Eating this helps in the mental and physical development of the child. Let us tell you that the essential nutrient omega-3 fatty acid is found in it. These essential nutrients are beneficial for the development of the brain and eyes of children. Apart from this, omega-3 fatty acids also keep the rising cholesterol under control. That's why women must eat fatty fish twice a week.