A child comes out of the mother's womb having learned many things. It is also mentioned in Mahabharata. It is said that Abhimanyu had learned the secret of penetrating the Chakravyuh from Arjun while he was still in his mother's womb.

Even medical science accepts the fact that a baby learns many things while in the womb. Even a baby's brain development can be enhanced by certain methods. In such a situation, if you are pregnant and want to give birth to a smart child, then start doing the things mentioned here.

Exercise is beneficial not only for physical health but also for the brain development of the fetus. During exercise, blood circulation increases, due to which oxygen and nutrients can easily reach the baby through the placenta. This helps in brain development. According to a study published in NCBI, prenatal exercise can improve the development of the child's understanding of power.

Listen to good songs
It may sound strange, but the fetus can hear sounds. You can talk to your child, sing to him, or read stories. This helps the baby to become familiar with different sounds, which develops the auditory center of his brain.

Healthy food
A pregnant woman should take a balanced and nutritious diet. Consuming green vegetables, fruits, whole grains and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids provides essential nutrients for brain development.

Stay stress-free
Excessive stress can affect the pregnant woman as well as the fetus. Stress hormones can affect brain development. Therefore, stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can be beneficial during pregnancy.

Read books
You can educate your child right from the womb. For this, read motivational books. Choose books that present positive thoughts. In the scriptures, reading religious texts during pregnancy has been said to be very beneficial.

(PC: Freepik)