Due to the cold in winter, people are not able to wash their hair every day. Also, due to cold air and lack of sunlight, people's hair quickly becomes sticky and oily. It is not easy to wash hair daily to keep hair smooth, silky and bouncy. In such a situation, today we have brought some amazing home remedies for you so that you will not need to wash your hair every day in winter.

Another problem with sticky and oily hair is that it gets dirty faster and more than dry hair. Due to being sticky, dust accumulated in the hair very easily. If you also have the same problem with your hair, then without any delay let us know some home remedies, which will remove the stickiness of hair.

Do not touch your hair again and again

Many people have the habit of touching their hair repeatedly. Let us tell you that touching your hair too much causes leakage of natural oil in the scalp, which makes your hair more oily and sticky.

Dry immediately after washing

Many people have the habit of keeping their hair tied in a towel after washing them. Keeping the hair tied in a towel for a long time immediately after washing makes the hair sticky because due to the heat of the scalp and the towel being tied, the hair does not get air and the sweat and heat inside makes the hair sticky.

Wash hair with black tea

Do apply black tea to your hair once. Tannic acid is found in black tea, which absorbs the extra oil from the scalp and gets rid of the natural oil released from the scalp. To apply black tea on hair, add 3-4 spoons of tea leaves in 5 liters of water and boil it well. Let the water cool down, then apply this tea to the hair and leave it for 20 minutes, wash the hair with your regular mild shampoo and dry it in the sun.

Apply buttermilk to hair

Even if you apply whey or buttermilk in winter, your hair will get good benefits. Apply buttermilk thoroughly on your hair from scalp to ends and leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo and dry it. If your hair is becoming more sticky or oily in winter, then do not apply too much oil or wash your hair daily.

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