Pregnancy is a period in which many changes occur in the body of women. There are problems like weight gain, swelling in legs, hair fall, but one good thing that happens during this period is that during this period, a tremendous glow is seen on the face of some women. Let us know from the expert what is pregnancy glow and why it happens.

Why does women's skin glow during pregnancy?

According to experts, there are many hormonal changes in the body of women during pregnancy. Because of this, the skin remains glowing. Often women's skin looks smooth and full of moisture. However, this doesn't need to happen with everyone, experts believe that being happy during pregnancy also makes the face glow. The glow on the face of some women appears in the third trimester while the skin of some women remains glowing for the entire 9 months.

The most important reason is that there are fluctuations in hormones and proper blood circulation. Due to proper blood circulation, blood vessels start expanding and the skin looks brighter.

In some women, due to hormonal changes, sebum glands produce more oil. However, sometimes due to oily skin, the problem of acne also occurs. Apart from this, during this time, women follow a healthy diet and stay hydrated. Due to this also the skin looks healthy and glowing.

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