Women need extra care during pregnancy. This is a time when women have to go through many physical and mental changes. During this period, the food and drink choices of women also changed a lot. Women often have a desire to eat sour food during pregnancy. Why does this happen? What is the reason behind this? Experts are answering all these things.

Why is there a craving for sour food?

Health expert Priyanka Jaiswal says that hormonal changes are responsible for any changes during pregnancy. Due to these hormonal changes, women develop a desire to eat sour food. During this period, there is a deficiency of many nutrients in the body. The amount of sodium and iron reduces significantly. Because of this, there is a craving to eat sour things. This is considered quite normal.

Benefits of eating sour food during pregnancy

  • By eating sour, the body gets vitamins and calcium.
  • Vitamin C is found in sour things and vitamin C is responsible for boosting immunity. Consumption of lemon is beneficial.

  • This also improves digestion. If women eat pickles, it ultimately helps in increasing the good bacteria, due to which the food gets easily digested.
  • It also provides relief from problems like vomiting and indigestion.

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