Practising yoga not only calms the mind and strengthens the body, but it also keeps away signs of ageing from the face like wrinkles, freckles or dark spots and dry skin.

Mastering breath control benefits us for longer physical health and is a powerful tool to combat ageing.

Deep breathing slows the heart rate, relaxes the nervous system and helps combat stress hormones. Taking deep breaths in Pranayama increases the oxygen level and the skin appears spotless, young and glowing.

Today we are telling you about 2 such pranayamas which can help you in reducing wrinkles. Himalayan Siddha Akshar, the yoga and spiritual guru of Akshar Yoga Sansthan, is telling us about these.

Surya Bhedi Pranayama

Surya Bhedi Pranayama channelizes the energy of the Sun within us. It is the penetrating of the Surya Nadi or the channelling of the Surya Nadi, which helps us to receive the power of the Sun. Our practice activates the Surya Nadi channel within the body. Sun's qualities, logic, functionality of the body, and strength all gain strength from this practice.

Steps to do-

  • Sit cross-legged in a comfortable posture (such as Sukhasana, Ardhapadmasana or Padmasana).
  • Straighten the back and close your eyes.
  • Pay attention to the body, and be balanced.
  • The spine, neck and back should be in a straight line.
  • Place the index and middle fingers on the forehead.
  • Close the left nostril with the other two fingers and exhale slowly through the right nostril.
  • Then take a long breath inward while making a sound through the right nostril.
  • Now hold your breath inside for a while.
  • Then exhale through the left nostril without making any sound.
  • In this way practice it 15-20 times.

Direction and duration- Face East. You can start practising this breathing technique for 1-2 minutes a day and gradually increase it over time.

Importance of Kapal Bhati Pranayama

In Sanskrit, 'kapal' means 'skull' and 'bhati' means 'shine/light'. That's why this Kapalbhati Pranayama is also called Skull Shining Breathing Technique. Kapalbhati is one of the most powerful pranayama techniques, which helps in preventing ageing.

Steps to do-

  • Sit in any comfortable seat.
  • Straighten the back and close your eyes.
  • Keep the palms facing upwards on the knees?
  • Breathe normally and focus on exhaling with short, rhythmic and forceful breaths.
  • Exhale through the nostrils with some force and sound, as if trying to clear the nostrils.
  • Then inhale, but without much effort or force.
  • As you exhale, contract the abdominal muscles and pull the navel towards the spine.
  • Take a few tries to draw the abs in and contract.
  • Then, while breathing out, release the contraction.
  • Practice at a slow pace first.
  • Take a few more such breaths rhythmically at a comfortable pace and relax.
  • Repeat 2-3 times.

As one goes deeper into the practice of Kapalbhati, the three levels- calm, and medium pace and fast pace need to be practised with great attention and care. Start practising at a slow pace, when you gain experience in this stage, move to a moderate pace.

With regular practice, one can practice fast pace, advanced stage. The speed of the exercises increases with each level.


People suffering from high blood pressure, anxiety or panic attacks should avoid Kapalbhati. In addition, it is also forbidden for anyone with heart disease, hernia, gastric ulcer, epilepsy, vertigo, migraine headache, nosebleeds, retinal, glaucoma, history of stroke and anyone who has recently undergone abdominal surgery.

Image Credit: Shutterstock


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