A major part of our country's economy is based on agriculture. In such a situation, the source of income of a large population in the country is related to farming. However, even today many farmers in the country are very weak financially. Many types of economic problems bother these farmers while doing agriculture. In such a situation, the central and state governments are running various schemes to increase the income of the farmers. In this connection, today we are going to tell you about a wonderful scheme of the Bihar government. The name of this scheme of the Bihar government is Integrated Horticulture Scheme. Under this scheme, farmers are being given a benefit of Rs 45 thousand for cultivating papaya. In this episode, let us know in detail about this scheme of the Bihar government -

Up to 75 percent subsidy is being given on papaya cultivation under the Integrated Horticulture Scheme of the Bihar government. Under this scheme, the Bihar government has fixed the cost of papaya cultivation on 1 hectare land at Rs 60 thousand.

In such a situation, under this scheme, under a 75 percent subsidy, the government is giving a grant amount of Rs. 45 thousand to the farmers. If you are also planning to cultivate papaya, then you can take advantage of this scheme of the Bihar government. Only the farmers living in the state of Bihar can avail the benefits of this scheme.

Apart from papaya cultivation, farmers are being given a 50 percent subsidy on the cultivation of Amla, Ber, Jamun, Jackfruit, Pomegranate, etc. under the Integrated Horticulture Scheme.

If you have agricultural land, then you can take advantage of this scheme. To take advantage of the scheme, you have to visit the website of the Farmers Integrated Horticulture Department. From here you can easily apply for the scheme.

(PC: Freepik)