Diabetes Affects Teeth: Due to diabetes, many parts of the body are gradually damaged but do you know that due to an increase in blood sugar level, teeth can also get damaged?

How High Blood Sugar Affects Teeth: Diabetes has become a common disease in the present times and many people in India are falling prey to it. Diabetes patients have to take special care of their lifestyle and food habits, only then they can live healthy life. In diabetes, the blood sugar level of the patient often increases, which can prove to be harmful to health.

Teeth get damaged due to an increase in blood sugar level

Diabetes is considered to be the root of many diseases, and it can cause many problems including heart disease, and kidney disease, but do you know that increasing blood sugar levels is also related to your teeth, how can it be prevented?


There can be many sources of bacteria entering the mouth, but when they come in contact with blood sugar, they form a layer around the teeth called plaque. There is a special type of acid in this plaque, which gradually starts rotting your teeth. Since sugar and starch spread rapidly in the body in the condition of diabetes, it is inevitable to have cavities.

Gum Disease

Diabetes affects your immunity, which becomes very weak and you start falling prey to many other diseases. Gum disease also develops due to weak immunity, in such a condition the gums start rotting.

How can diabetics avoid dental disease?

1. Always keep your blood sugar level under control and keep checking it regularly.

2. Every day after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night, do brush your teeth.

3. Use dental floss to remove the dirt stuck between two teeth.

4. Cigarettes, alcohol, and cold drinks harm your teeth, stay away from them.

5. Go to regular dentists and get your teeth tested, and get scaling done if needed.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general knowledge. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)