People follow many types of diet plans to lose weight. Like the Keto diet, Pegan, and Paleo diet etc. etc. These days, a special type of diet is in much discussion. Its name is Portfolio Diet. Perhaps you might be hearing the name of this diet for the first time. The Portfolio Diet is specifically designed to reduce the risk of cholesterol and heart disease. Let us know about this in detail.

Know everything about portfolio diet

The Portfolio Diet is a special type of diet which was developed by a British physician, Dr. David J.A. Has designed. It is designed as a plant-based diet. The Portfolio Diet is based on the concept of replacing certain foods in your diet with ingredients that lower cholesterol levels and promote heart health. You can understand this by replacing meat and dairy with soy proteins like tofu, tempeh, soy milk and soy-based food items. Your diet should include tree nuts like almonds, walnuts or pistachios at least once every day.

Apart from this, foods rich in soluble fibre are included in the portfolio diet. Fruits, vegetables, oats, flaxseed, and pulses are included. Soluble fibre absorbs water and improves your digestion, reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

The Portfolio Diet encourages using margarine enriched with plant sterols instead of butter. Sterols reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your body.

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