Pitru Paksha is a good opportunity to please the ancestors, satisfy them, and get rid of Pitra Dosha. The male members of the family perform Tarpan, Pind Daan, Shraddha, Brahmin feast, etc. to please their ancestors. The ancestors are happy and give blessings so that the entire family prospers. But due to some reason, there is no man in your family, then the women of the house can donate 5 items in Pitru Paksha to please their ancestors. Your ancestors will be satisfied with this donation. When the ancestors are satisfied, they will bless you with an increase in your wealth, property, lineage, good health, etc. Then there will be no shortage of anything in your family. When ancestors are angry, there is discord in the family, illness, loss of money, financial crisis, and lack of children. Pitru Paksha is starting from 29th September. Let us know which 5 items everyone should donate on Pitru Paksha.

Pitru Paksha 2023: 5 important items to donate
Kashi's astrologer Chakrapani Bhatt says that to satisfy the ancestors during Pitru Paksha, the women of the house should be given 5 things - banana, curd, white sweets, betel leaf, and Dakshina. Know here the importance of donating these items.

1. Banana
To please the ancestors, ripe bananas should be donated to Pitru Paksha. Banana is an evergreen fruit and is dear to Lord Vishnu. Banana plant is also worshiped to get the blessings of Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is the owner of Vaikuntha Dham and the provider of salvation. The ancestors become happy after receiving the donation of bananas and bless their descendants by giving them blessings.

2. Curd
To satisfy your ancestors, you must donate curd. In Pitru Paksha, curd has more importance than milk. Milk is raw, whereas curd is made from ripe milk and it is coagulated. Ancestors love curd. The curd becomes stable and coagulated. We donate curd to our ancestors so that there is stability in our lives.

3. White sweets
The ancestors became happy after receiving the donation of white sweets during Pitru Paksha. It is written in Pret Manjari that after death a person is in a ghostly state and remains in darkness. In this house, they do not harass or trouble their descendants, hence they donate white sweets for them. Donate white things to ancestors. White color is a symbol of positivity, which they are happy to receive.

4. Sticky betel leaf
To get the blessings of ancestors, one should donate betel leaves to them during Pitru Paksha. Laga Laga Paan means betel leaf. If you donate betel leaf then your house will be filled with wealth.

5. Dakshina
Without Dakshina, no donation is fruitful, it is considered useless. Here Dakshina does not mean wealth or money. In Dakshina, you can donate any vessel like a bowl, pot, plate, etc. to your ancestors.
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