We often use expensive products while making many efforts to enhance the beauty of our faces. But beauty is not only from the face, the feet also contribute a lot to it. However, people ignore the care of the feet, due to which the skin here starts to crack and becomes ugly. To deal with this, you need a pedicure scrub. If you are thinking that you will need expensive things to do pedicures, then it is not so at all. A pedicure can be done on dirty and torn feet sitting at home. Today we are going to tell you about the benefits of pedicure scrubs and some homemade pedicure scrubs.

Benefits of Pedicure Scrub
Pedicure scrub is done only to make your feet healthy and beautiful. A pedicure can relieve the tension in the muscles of the feet and ankles. If you feel burning, pain, and heaviness in your feet, then scrubbing a pedicure can give you a lot of relief. It also helps in improving blood circulation in your feet. Apart from this, foot massage also helps you sleep well. Come let's know about these pedicure scrubs made at home...

Sugar and Olive Oil Scrub
You can easily make this scrub. In this, all you have to do is make a scrub by mixing sugar and olive oil. Use this scrub thoroughly on your hands and nails. Keep rubbing it on the hands in a circular motion. After this, wash it with warm water and later apply moisturizer on the feet.

Coffee scrub
Mix 1 cup, of honey, 1/2 cup of Epsom salt, 1 cup of coffee, and 2-3 drops of essential oil in a bowl. Now take hot water in a tub and add the contents of the bowl to it and mix well. Soak your feet in this for about 10 minutes. Now rub the feet with a pubic stone or foot brush with light hands, after that clean your nails. After washing the feet with clean water, wipe the feet with a towel with your hands. Now apply a moisturizer on your feet. By doing this regularly, you will get beautiful-soft feet.

Milk scrub
For this, add 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp salt to a cup of lukewarm milk. Now make a paste by adding 1 teaspoon of baby oil to it. You can scrub it by applying it directly on the feet or sit by putting your feet in lukewarm water first. Scrub the feet after a while. Then apply foot cream or any moisturizer on them.

Milk and Lemon Scrub
Take a bowl and add the juice of 2 or 3 lemons, 1/2 cup milk, and 3 tbsp olive oil and mix all the ingredients. Heat water in the tum and then put all these ingredients in it. Now soak your feet in water for a while. After that, scrub your feet with a pubic stone or foam sponge. After cleaning the feet, wash them with clean water. Then apply foot cream or any moisturizer on them.

Lemon and Sugar Scrub
This scrub will help in giving fair color to the feet. Mix both these products well and massage them on the feet for 5 minutes. After this wash the feet with cold water.

Chamomile Tea Scrub
Mix 4 chamomile tea bags, 1/2 cup dried parsley, and 4-5 drops of essential oil in a bowl. After this pour hot water into a tub. Mix it well and soak your feet in it for 10 minutes. After this, clean the feet with a sponge and then wash them with water. Now apply moisturizer to your feet.