Tips For Car Sickness In Children: This problem is often seen in children that they feel uncomfortable while traveling in a moving vehicle. and vomiting tendency starts. In such a situation, they either do not want to travel or are unable to enjoy the travel. But parents do not understand how to save children from this problem. He also goes to the doctor to solve this problem but there is no medical treatment for it. Here we explain why motion sickness occurs and what are the preventive measures.

What is car sickness or motion sickness

According to MyoClinic, it is also known as motion sickness or car sickness. The problem of motion sickness begins when the brain receives wrong information from the nerves of the inner ear, eyes, joints and muscles. Imagine a small child looking out the window in the back seat of a car whose seat is very low or a child reading a book in the car. In such a situation, the child's inner ear will sense the movement, but his eyes and body will not. Due to which problems like stomach upset, cold sweat, fatigue, loss of appetite or vomiting start feeling. However, the information as to why this happens only in some children is not clear. This problem is seen more in children between 2 to 12 years of age.

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This is the way to prevent car sickness

- Ask children to look outside instead of looking at a book or mobile while travelling. By doing this the problem will reduce. It would be better if they sleep during the journey.

-Do not feed children too much immediately before travel. If it is a long journey then give them light food in small quantities. For example, dry crackers or some beverage.

-Pay attention to adequate ventilation in the car. It works as a trigger for sickness at the site of blockage or suffocation.

-Try to distract the minds of children during the journey. For example, talk, play music or sing. By doing this they will feel better.

-If the child still faces problems while travelling, then you should contact the child's doctor. You can ask them for over the counter medicine.

-Carry ginger candies along with you and keep them in your mouth if needed. Ask to take deep breaths, this provides instant relief. The scent of mint and lavender can also help in stopping vomiting.

-If your child is feeling motion sickness, stop the car immediately and ask him to take a walk outside. If it is not possible to get down, immediately ask him to lie down with his back down. Place a wet handkerchief or towel on the head. This way the child will feel better.

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