PC: Medical News Today

Everyone likes to eat sweet and sour oranges. Oranges are loved not only for their taste but also for the health benefits present in them. Many nutrients like Vitamin C, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are found in orange. It benefits health in many ways. Despite its many health benefits, some people should avoid excessive consumption of oranges. Consuming oranges can cause harm instead of benefits. Let us know about those people who should avoid consuming oranges in large quantities.


Consuming too many oranges can cause heartburn or acidity. Due to its acidity, it contains a high amount of acid, consumption of which increases the amount of acid in the body and causes a burning sensation in the chest.

Kidney-related problems:

People who already have kidney-related problems should avoid consuming oranges. Such people should definitely consult a doctor before eating oranges.

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Teeth can get damaged:

Excessive consumption of oranges can cause dental problems. The acid present in oranges can mix with the calcium present in tooth enamel, creating a risk of bacterial infection. This can cause cavity problems in the teeth and the teeth gradually start deteriorating.

Stomach Cramps

Due to the high fiber content in oranges, a person may suffer from indigestion, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Remember to eat a maximum of 2 oranges a day.

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Joint pain:

Orange has a cooling effect. In such a situation, people who are already suffering from joint pain or arthritis should avoid consuming oranges. Excessive consumption of oranges can increase the problem of joint pain and bone pain.