In the first job after studies, there is not only the challenge of proving yourself efficient, but practical skills are also very important. How many dreams do we have while studying? If we get a job, we will do this, eat this, go here, and whatnot! At the same time, there is nervousness in the mind regarding the first job. The first job helps us to accelerate our flight and fly higher. The only condition is that you keep a few things in mind and do your first job stress-free.

It is necessary to seek guidance
There is pressure to prove oneself in the first job. Therefore, women often keep searching for answers to such questions due to the fear of many questions being raised about their work and their work being criticized. In such situations, a lot of time is wasted, hence it is important to get help from people. Ask questions if something is unclear. Asking for feedback and guidance on your work can give you a more comprehensive perspective. Plus it signals to others that you care about their perspective.

Keep a notebook with you
You should keep a notebook and pen with you in the office. Especially when you are talking to your boss/team leader or someone more experienced than you. With this, you will be able to note down all the important things and understand them again when needed. Many times, due to work pressure, important things slip from your mind, in such a situation this notebook will be most useful to you. Along with this, you can also maintain a list of your primary, common, and least important tasks. Check this list after reaching the office in the morning and do your work accordingly. This will help you to work properly and move ahead.

Consider solution
The first step to finding a solution to anything is to identify the problem. But don't identify the problem and leave it to others. Many times, due to this, you start appearing lazy among your peers. So try to find the solution yourself and ask for help if needed.

Why panic
In the office, it is important to complete the work within the deadline, but do not panic if there is any obstacle in it. Sometimes in such situations, you may need the help of another colleague. In such a situation, there is nervousness in asking for help whether it will help or not. So without any fear ask him for help and thank him.

Attempt to connect
Working hard is important, but it's also important to connect with your colleagues and team. Therefore, participate in the activities conducted in the office. With this, you will be able to know your colleagues and also make friends with them. At the same time, if they ask you to have tea or eat food together, then go with them, do not refuse.

Seriousness in personality
Career counselor Seema Rehman says, that as important as working is, it is equally important what kind of career you are choosing for yourself. Your career should match your personality, otherwise, after some time you start facing problems at work and the job becomes a burden on you. You will prove yourself through your work, but it is also important that you understand the work culture of your office. Whatever institution you join, understand its rules and regulations thoroughly. Bring seriousness to your personality at work. Ask questions if you don't understand and try to make as few mistakes as possible.