How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth: We are living in an era where first impression matters a lot. If the yellowness of teeth is visible while smiling, then your impression can be very bad in the eyes of the person in front of you. Generally, if the teeth become excessively yellow then you may have to spend thousands of rupees in the dental clinic to get them cleaned. In such a situation, if you want to whiten your teeth through home remedies, then you can adopt some special tricks.

Apple cider vinegar

Although apple cider vinegar is used for many health benefits, it is an excellent diet, especially for people looking to lose weight. If you dilute it and use mouthwash, the dirt from your teeth will be removed. However, use it only with caution, because the acid present in it can damage the teeth.

Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

Baking soda is considered an important agent for whitening teeth. When it is mixed with lemon juice containing natural acid, it removes the yellowness of teeth in a jiffy. Rub this mixture on your teeth with the help of a toothbrush. Rinse after some time, this will bring back the whiteness.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is often added to teeth-whitening products. Mix this thing with water at home and use it as a mouthwash. Take care not to swallow this solution down your throat.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is an age-old Ayurvedic method. In this, keep coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. With this, bacteria, toxins, and many other types of dirt can be removed from the teeth, thereby improving your smile.

Turmeric paste

You may often use turmeric paste to enhance the taste of food, but do you know that you can also use it to clean your teeth? Apply turmeric paste on your teeth with the help of a toothbrush leave it for some time and then wash it.

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