One-Sided Relationship: If you are in a relationship with someone, but there is a lack of love, care, intimacy, trust, and understanding, which are the essential things to run a relationship, then understand that something is wrong. If you feel that you love your partner very much, and are available for them all the time, but there is nothing like this from your partner, then it is a sign that your love is one-sided. So today we are going to know about how to identify one-sided love.

1. Not being in contact
If your partner remains in very little contact with you, and does not take much interest in you, you are not a priority for him. Along with this, if he does not answer your calls or messages, then it is clear that you are in one-sided love.

2. Having more friends than you
If your partner likes to spend time with his friends and family more than you, then it is a direct indication that he is not interested in you. This relationship is going on only from your side.

3. Getting annoyed
When you question and answer them for not meeting, or talking to them, they get annoyed. If you do not talk properly even on the phone, shout about every issue, get angry, then get out of this relationship without wasting any time because they have come out of it a long time ago.

4. Making excuses for not meeting
If your partner is hesitating even to meet you, and makes various excuses, then this is also a sign that he is not interested in you. Coincidentally, even if planning is made to meet, he is not at all happy to see you, and tries to settle the meeting quickly, so it is clear that your love is now one-sided.

So staying in such a relationship is not right for your mental health, get out of it as soon as possible.
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