Beauty Tips: Often after pregnancy or weight loss, many changes are seen in the body. Out of this, there is also a stretch mark, which is very common, but it is not an easy task to remove these marks even if you want to. Many women apply different types of creams to get rid of it, and do many remedies but all are ineffective. In such a situation, some home remedies can solve your problem. Know how..

Get rid of stretch marks with aloe vera
Aerovera is effective in all those problems which are related to the skin. Antioxidant properties are found in it. If you apply aloe vera daily on stretch marks, then its effect can be seen soon. The marks may disappear within a few days.

Cucumber and Lemon Juice
Cucumber and lemon juice have Ayurvedic properties. This can solve many types of problems. These two are also effective on stretch marks, mix both in equal parts and apply them on stretch marks. Washing off after applying for 10 to 15 minutes every day can reduce the marks in a few days.

Coconut and almond oil
The targets of stretch marks look quite unsightly. In such a situation, you can also use coconut and almond oil to remove them. Mixing both in equal quantity and applying on stretch marks can make the marks disappear within a few days.

Egg and Vitamin E Capsules
A mixture of egg and vitamin E capsules is also very beneficial in removing stretch marks. Mixing egg white with a vitamin E capsule and applying it on stretch marks reduces the marks.