As soon as the summer season comes, people have to face many problems. The diet of the people changes completely and due to the scorching heat, people have to run cooler or AC. In the scorching heat, there is no relief from the cooler. That's why people have to run AC. But it cannot be denied that the electricity bill comes more on running the AC than the cooler. But to avoid the heat, people buy AC and run it. In such a situation, if you are also planning to buy a new AC or have brought a new AC, then you must know that due to some of your mistakes, even the new AC can get damaged. Yes, that's why you must take special care of some things. So let's know what things you have to take care of so that the AC does not get damaged.

Never forget these things:-
Number 1

Special care has to be taken for the maintenance of the AC. For example, take care of the cleanliness of the AC. When the season is over, keep the AC covered with a cover. If this is not done, dust may enter the AC, etc.

Number 2
It is very important to have AC service on time. If you don't get this done, it puts pressure on the AC which can damage other parts including the filter. That's why get the AC service done on time.

Number 3
Whenever you run the AC, keep in mind that there is a power cut in your place. If you have frequent power cuts or frequent power cuts, then you must get a stabilizer installed. This can avoid AC damage.

Number 4
If you are getting window AC installed in your house, then take special care that there must be ventilation behind the AC, so that the hot air coming out of the AC can go out. If this is not the case, your AC may get damaged and may even break down over time.

(PC: iStock)