Nightmare Disorder: We all see dreams. Sometimes we see bad and sometimes we see good. There is no fixed pattern of dreams. However, if you have started having nightmares again and again, then it is a matter of concern. Health experts have warned that if you are having frequent nightmares daily, there are chances that you may be suffering from Nightmare Disorder. Nightmare disorder is such a condition, and if not treated early, this problem can increase and can cause a big risk.

What is Nightmare Disorder?
A person is said to be suffering from Nightmare Disorder when he/she has frequent nightmares or nightmares. These dreams are sometimes so scary that in the night suddenly sleep opens due to fear. Even after waking up, the feeling of fear continues for some time. Such dreams often come in the middle of the night. There is no fixed time for their arrival. After having bad dreams, you experience difficulty sleeping again. If you are seeing such symptoms and have been chewing like this for several days, then do not delay meeting the doctor. Because it can be a nightmare disorder, which is a type of parasomnia.

Causes of Nightmare Disorder
1. Mood swings, such as tension and depression
2. Sleep Interruption
3. Fatigue
4. Daytime sleepiness
5. Lack of concentration at work
6. Behavioral Issues
7. Job loss

Symptoms of Nightmare Disorder?
1. sweating
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Fast heartbeat
4. Anger
5. Worry
6. Embarrassment
7. Sadness

Who does Nightmare Disorder affect?
Nightmare disorder can affect anyone including children and adults. Nightmare disorder mostly affects those people who are surrounded by these problems.

1. REM Behavior Disorder (RBD)
2. Narcolepsy
3. Sleep Apnea
4. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD)
5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
6. Anxiety disorder
7. Social anxiety disorder
8. Depression