Hair works to enhance the beauty of the face. That's why it is very important to take care of them. Most people make this mistake when they follow daycare. Hair should be taken care of even at night. Otherwise, the problem of hair fall starts.

Why shouldn't you sleep with wet hair?

One should not sleep at night with wet hair. By doing this the hair starts breaking easily. The pillow absorbs water and oil, which makes the hair dry. Due to this, fungal infection can also happen. This can also cause dandruff problems. So avoid washing your hair at night. That's why blow dry the hair well before sleeping. Keep in mind that you must use a heat protectant.

Why should hair be combed before sleeping at night?

Sleep with untied hair at night. By doing this the hair breaks less. Use a wide toothcomb to comb the hair. This makes the hair easily untangled.

If you cannot sleep with open hair, then make a loose braid. Doing this does not cause hair breakage. You will not have any problem sleeping after making bread. Hair will not even come on the face. Also, doing this will not cause hair fall.

Benefits of applying hair serum and mask

Follow a night hair care routine to pamper your hair. Use a hair mask and serum at night. Use a serum to stimulate hair growth and nourish the scalp. Use a hair mask in addition to the serum. The hair mask will work to hydrate and repair your hair. Use 2-3 times a month according to hair type.

Why should oil be applied to hair?

It is necessary to apply oil to the hair. Oil protects hair from damage. Hair does not become frizzy by its use. Hair oils are rich in nourishing ingredients like Vitamin E and fatty acids. These elements work to lock the moisture in the hair. Before sleeping at night, lukewarm the oil and massage the scalp well.

Night hair care routine

  • Massage before sleeping at night. Massaging the scalp increases blood circulation.
  • Do you know that the wrong pillowcase can also damage your hair? So use a pillowcase made of silk. Silk fabric is soft, which will protect your hair from frizz. Not only this, but it also maintains moisture in the hair. Plus, your hair is less tangled.
  • The right hair care products should be used for hair care. Know your hair type. After this use shampoo, conditioner and hair serum etc.
  • If you wash your hair at night, use dry shampoo.

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