It is getting cold in many areas of North India including Delhi. Cold or cough can easily occur in cold weather. Meanwhile, Omicron BF.7, a sub-variant of coronavirus growing in China, has increased the concern of people in the world including India. Corona easily takes people with weak immunity in its grip. Although it is necessary to depend on medical treatment in such situations, immunity can be boosted by indigenous methods. Here we are going to tell you about the benefits of curry leaf tea. Generally, everyone is aware that curry leaves are a spice that enhances the taste of food, but they can also be made and drunk as tea. Let us tell you about the benefits of drinking curry leaves tea in the cold…

The immune system will be strong
Curry leaves are full of nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin A, and phosphorus. In such a situation, it is clear how beneficial it is for the immune system. In this era of Covid, if you want to make a decoction and drink it, then put some curry leaves in water and drink it. Do this continuously for a few days and you will be able to see the difference.

Digestive system
Curry leaves may be a spice, but the body also gets many benefits from them. Metabolism can be improved by consuming this ingredient regularly and in the right quantity. This will give you two benefits, firstly your digestive system ie digestive system will remain healthy and secondly it will also help in reducing weight.

Relieve stress
If you are often under stress for any reason, then start following the routine of curry leaves tea. By drinking black tea with curry leaves, the mind becomes calm and stress-free, the mind is also engaged in work. Experts believe that its fragrance makes us feel relaxed and stress starts leaving us.