The general public plays an important role in forming the government. If the voters wish, they can bring someone into the government and remove someone from the government. National Voters' Day is celebrated every year on 25 January for the voters. On this day, people are made aware of their right to vote, and many other programs are also organized so that they can become aware. Amidst all this, whenever you go to vote, an ink mark is put on the finger of your hand. This ink is used so that no one can vote fraudulently again. But do you know what will happen if a person does not have the finger on which the ink is applied? In such a situation, how and where is the ink applied? Is there any rule regarding this? If yes, then let us know about this...

Ink is applied on this finger
The Election Commission has a clear rule regarding which finger of the voter should be inked. According to this, whenever a person casts his vote, ink is applied on the nail and above the finger (from the top of the nail to the first knot) of the index finger of that person's left hand.

That's why ink is applied.
The reason behind putting ink on the finger of any person who goes to vote is to prevent fraud. No person should be able to vote incorrectly. The officers on duty at the polling station apply this ink.

What if you don't have a finger?
According to the rules, ink is applied on the index finger of the left hand, but if it is not there, then as per the rules the election officer can apply ink on the index finger of the right hand.

If there is no hand, where will the ink be applied?
At the same time, if the voter does not have an index finger on his right hand, then the ink can be applied on any finger of his right hand.
At the same time, if there are no fingers on both hands, then electoral ink can be applied on any part of both hands.
If the voter does not have both hands, then electoral ink can be applied to the toe.

(PC: iStock)