In today's era, everyone is worried about their weak and falling hair. Hair is called the crown of the head and if it continues to fall like this then the problem of baldness can come to the fore. This is the reason that whether it is a woman or a man, everyone loves their hair very much. Diet, unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, and wrong hair care cause these hair weakness and fall. In such a situation, you need to take proper care of your hair. There are many hair growth and care products available in the market, but natural methods are different. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you some such methods, the use of which will help in fulfilling the desire of long hair.

Aloe vera gel
To lengthen hair, mix 1 egg white with 2 teaspoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel. Then apply it to the hair and leave it for half an hour. Shampoo his bass hair. If you want, you can steam your hair before applying aloe vera. This will strengthen the roots of the hair and nulliparous oil and fenugreek seeds

Sesame oil and fenugreek seeds
Both work to nourish the hair. In such a situation, with the help of a hair mask prepared from these two, you can increase the growth of hair manifold. To make this, dry roast fenugreek seeds and make powder out of it. According to the length of your hair, take fenugreek powder in a bowl and mix 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in it. Keep in mind that there should not be more oil. After exfoliating while massaging for some time, leave the hair like this for half an hour and then wash the hair. Try this 2 times a week.L will not break either.

With hot oil
Massaging the hair with hot oil is the best option for the hair. Massaging with hot oil once a week is very important for healthy hair. Massaging with oil also gives relief from the problem of hair fall. If you want to make your hair long quickly, then it would be better to massage coconut or olive oil in your hair.

Onion juice
Onion paste is a panacea home remedy for hair growth. For this, grind the onion and squeeze it and take out the juice. Now apply it in the hair roots with cotton ball or your hands and wash it after some time.

Curry leaves oil
Curry leaves found in homes act as a tonic for hair. By applying oil or a hair pack made from it, the color of the hair also remains intact and the hair grows fast as well. To apply this, take a bowl of curry leaves and half a cup of coconut oil. Heat both these things and then filter them and cool them. Apply this oil to your hair including the roots. Massage the head with this oil and then wash the head with shampoo after 1 hour.

If you do not avoid eggs, then it can prove to be effective for increasing hair. Egg contains essential nutrients like protein, iron, and sulfur fat which prevent hair fall. Break an egg and mix the yellow and white part and apply it to the hair with the help of a brush. This will stop hair fall and their growth will also be good.

Amla juice
Amla Juice is full of natural ingredients rich in Vitamin C and Iron. It benefits hair in many ways. For this, apply Amla juice to the hair and scalp and leave it for some time. Wash the hair after half an hour.

Yogurt and Lemon Juice
Curd and lemon both are very useful for hair and their use in colds would get rid of dandruff. Make a paste by squeezing two lemons in curd. Apply this paste on the roots of the hair with the knuckles of the hand and massage for 15 minutes. Leave the paste on the hair for 1 to 1.5 hours and then wash the hair with lukewarm water. This removes dryness and dandruff of hair.

(PC: Lifeberrys)