The winter season is about to end. Gradually the effect of summer has started increasing. As the heat of summer increases, people have to face many problems. In such a situation, to get relief from the scorching heat, many people install AC in their homes. When we install AC in our homes. During that time, have you ever thought about why the AC is installed only on the upper side of the wall? If not, then today we are going to tell you about this. Why is the AC installed only on the upper side of the wall? Very few people know about this. There is a scientific reason behind installing the AC on the upper side of the wall. Let us know about it in detail -

For your information, let us tell you that the air that comes out from the AC. She is cold. Cold air always moves from top to bottom. This is a big reason, why AC is always installed on the upper side of the wall.

Whereas hot air is quite light. Being light, it always moves upwards from the ground. For this reason, the heater is installed at the bottom. In such a situation, hot air always rises upwards.

Whereas cold air always comes from top to bottom. This entire process is called convection. In such a situation, whenever we turn on the AC in our homes. During that time the temperature above is always cold.

Whereas if you install the AC downwards. In such a situation, the cold air remains on the floors only. Due to this, the room does not remain completely cool. Keeping these things in mind, AC is always installed upwards.

(PC: Pixabay)