Healthy nails usually look pink and have a curve near the tips. If the nails start changing colour, texture or shape, it indicates a variety of nutritional deficiencies. The nails are affected as soon as the infection and some other health problems start.

Even without the right diet and vitamins, the nails start to dry and break. Age, pregnancy, weather, and hand and foot care also affect the health of nails.

Expert Dietician Anjali Mukherjee, who trains Miss India contestants, has shared information related to this on Instagram. Anjali has been working in this field for 20 years and believes that the shape and colour of nails tell about the health of the body.

The bad shape of nails indicates a lack of vitamins in the body

If the shape of your nails is strange, each nail is looking different from the other, and the curving of the nails is happening in the opposite direction, then there may be signs of chronic iron deficiency or anaemia in your body.

If the nail is bent near the tips, then it can mean any respiratory disease or heart-related disease in your body. If the nails are raised upwards from the root and their shape looks different from normal, then this is also a sign of respiratory disease.

If the nails are square and wide, then it indicates some kind of hormonal problem. Similarly, if your nails are excessively thin, it could mean a deficiency of Vitamin B12 in your body.

If you have bad shaped nails, then what diet to take?

If you have iron deficiency or vitamin-B12 deficiency in your body, then you can eat foods rich in vitamin B12 like meat, dairy, and eggs. If there is iron deficiency, eat green leafy vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, etc. Due to this, iron will remain in abundance in the body.

If the nails are coming out like a crust, then there may be a lack of this thing in the body.

Many people's nails start breaking like crusts and look damaged. This may be due to the lack of keratin in the body. Also, if the nails are excessively exposed to extreme temperatures such as very hot air, water or very cold, then peeling off your nails will start. This condition indicates that your body is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids.

If nails are breaking again and again, then what diet to take?

In such cases, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, flax seeds, almonds, nuts, sunflower seeds, etc. With this, the moisture level in the body will also be fine. Similarly, keep your hands moisturized with body lotion.

The yellow appearance of nails indicates this deficiency in the body

If your nails are slowly turning yellow, it can indicate a number of problems. Liver problems, diabetes, breathing problems etc. start only after the nails turn yellow. Yellow spots falling on the nails, then it can also be a sign of psoriasis or fungus.

What to do if the nails are turning yellow?

You should immediately consult a doctor for such a problem.

If the nails are very brittle, then this disease can be indicated.

Nails are very fragile and break very easily, so this can cause a variety of problems. Like there is a lack of moisture in your body. You have problems with your thyroid etc. Calcium or protein intake is low. Weekends are getting too much.

If your nails are brittle, follow this diet

In such a situation, you should take fenugreek, whole grains, fish, green leafy vegetables etc. Along with this, biotin supplements can also help. Do include eggs in your diet. Including sesame seeds in your diet can also be beneficial.

White spots are visible on the nails, then it can be a sign of this disease

If white lines or spots are falling on the nails, then it indicates fever, liver problems, heart disease or kidney disease. These marks on the nails are not considered good at all. It also shows zinc deficiency in you and indicates issues like eczema or psoriasis.

If there are white spots on the nails, then follow this diet

You have to increase the zinc level in your body. For this things like dry beans, cashews, curd, raisins, gram, dairy products, almonds, milk, chicken breast, kidney beans, peas, and oatmeal have to be eaten.

The colour of the nails is changing, then it can be a sign of this disease

Many people have good nails in the beginning, but later their colour starts changing. In this case, yeast infection or bacterial nail infection is indicated. If the nails are unhealthy, their colour will start to change. Green nails indicate infection, at the same place if a blue shade is visible in the nail, then it tells about the problem of lungs. If a brown shade is visible in the nail, then it indicates a deficiency of folic acid, vitamin C or protein.

If the colour of the nails has changed, then follow this diet

At such a time, you should change the diet only after consulting the doctor. By the way, for such a problem, it is good to take broccoli, fish, onion, apple, cucumber, grapes, garlic etc. in the diet.

Different textures are visible in the nails, then it can be a sign of this disease

If lines have formed in the nails, some have risen or some other kind of texture has emerged, then your nails are unhealthy and many vitamins are deficient in the body. It shows poor health of the whole body and problems related to the kidneys. The tips of the nails can be damaged, the nails can become rough. Such signs show that a problem like arthritis is starting.

If the texture is visible in the nails, then take this type of diet

Seeing a doctor in such a case would be beneficial. By the way, try to reduce physical and mental stress and take a diet rich in Vitamin C, B-complex, which will reduce the problem.