There are many myths related to women's health which most women believe to be true. One of the reasons for this is that women have always neglected their health. There are many such things related to the health of women, which are not talked about openly even today and that is why women believe in many heard things. There are many such things related to periods, which are still followed by women, but in reality, they are wrong. Here we are going to tell you about some such myths related to women's health, which are wrong. Dietician RiddhimaBatra is giving this information. RiddhimaBatra is a Certified Diabetes Educator, Sports Nutritionist Specialist and Founder of Nutrition Defined.

Don’t exercise during periods

According to experts, there is no scientific reason behind this, but exercising during periods can provide relief from pain, bloating, depression and irritability. However, high-intensity workouts should not be done during this time. Whether you want to exercise during this time or not depends on your comfort. If you are feeling weaker and tired then you can avoid it.

Pregnant women should double the diet

It is mostly advised to pregnant women that they should double their diet and now they should take a diet for two people. According to experts, this is not true. The nutrition of the baby indeed depends on the diet of the pregnant woman, but it does not mean that you have to double your diet. The amount of food pregnant women should eat in the second and third trimesters depend on their weight and the nutritional needs of the body.

Can't get pregnant from intercourse during periods

It is also said that if women are on periods and during this time they are having physical relations then they cannot become pregnant. Although the chances of getting pregnant are less by having physical relations during periods, you can get pregnant even during this time. If your periods are irregular, your blood flow is longer or your period cycle is shorter, then this affects your fertility window.

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