Throat problems - There are many cases of sore throat during the rainy season. Such problems can occur due to change in weather and increase in humidity. Licorice juice and licorice juice are very effective in problems related to throat infections such as sore throat, hoarseness, and swelling of the throat. Mulethi powder can also be taken in these problems.

Ulcer - Having a peptic ulcer is a serious problem. This problem can happen due to many reasons. Along with bad eating habits, long-term medication or side effects of any other disease can also appear in the form of ulcers. The use of licorice can be effective in the problem of ulcers. Along with this, licorice powder can be consumed even if there is an upset stomach.

Skin - It is common to have skin infections during the rainy season. Along with this, there can also be a problem of inflammation. Liquorice can be effective in saving from these problems. Many such compounds in licorice reduce inflammation in the skin and other parts of the body. Along with this, the use of licorice is beneficial for many skin conditions.

Dental problems - To keep the body healthy, it is necessary to have better oral health. Licorice helps in preventing dental problems, especially tooth decay. Research done regarding this suggests that licorice extract is effective in killing those bacteria present in the mouth which are responsible for tooth decay. The use of licorice can also be effective in preventing cavities in the teeth.

Hepatitis C - Hepatitis C can be very dangerous for the liver. Hepatitis C can cause liver inflammation and long-term liver damage. Glycyrrhizin is found in licorice, which is helpful in the treatment of hepatitis C. Regular consumption of licorice can also get rid of many other diseases.
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