Due to fluctuations in thyroid hormones, many changes can occur in the body of women. Having more or less thyroid hormone is not good for health. Due to this, periods are also affected. Besides, changes in weight, hair fall, and stress, all these also point towards an imbalance of thyroid hormones. For periods to be regular, thyroid hormones must be balanced. The thyroid gland has a direct connection with the reproductive organ. Therefore it has a direct effect on ovaries and hormones. Infertility can also be a problem due to thyroid. Therefore, if periods are being affected due to thyroid levels, then it should not be ignored. It can affect the period cycle, period flow and even PMS symptoms. How does the thyroid affect periods? Dietician Manpreet is telling us about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.

How does the thyroid affect periods?

  • An increase in the thyroid hormone TSH affects the prolactin hormone.
  • Prolactin hormone affects the fertility of women.
  • It also affects the estrogen hormone.
  • When TSH increases, prolactin hormone increases and due to this, periods become irregular.
  • When there is a change in the level of prolactin hormone due to thyroid hormone, there is a decrease in the release of hormones necessary to regulate ovulation and menstrual cycle.
  • Due to this, periods become irregular.
  • It is also possible that blood flow may be too fast or slow.

Other effects of thyroid on women's health

  • Infertility problems can also occur due to thyroid.
  • An overactive or underactive thyroid affects women's fertility.
  • Due to thyroid, women may also face the problem of early menopause i.e. premature stopping of periods.
  • Apart from this, pimples on the skin can also be caused by differences in thyroid levels.
  • Women are also more likely to have thyroid after delivery or during menopause.
  • To cure thyroid, it is important to stay away from stress along with changes in diet and lifestyle.

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