Myth Related To Exercise: The diet of many people in India is such that the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart diseases increases. In such a situation, most health experts recommend a balanced diet and regular exercise. But many times people make mistakes by believing the myths related to exercise to be true. Let us know which rumors related to workout we should stay away from.

You will become fit just by walking

If you are trying to stay healthy in old age by relying only on walking, then change this habit today itself, after crossing the age of 30, problems can arise in muscles, hence strength training for some time is also necessary.

Too much running affects knees

Running is important to improve the mobility of the body, it can regenerate the knee joints, but take care not to run with such speed or carelessness that the knees get injured.

Stretching is necessary before exercise

If you work out daily, it is not necessary to do daily stretching. You can do cardio even without it which includes walking, running, cycling etc.

Lifting heavy weights is necessary to build muscles

There is no doubt that lifting heavy weight helps in building muscles, but if you lift light weight with more repetitions, muscles will also be built.

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